Gcom allows users to connect easily to the communication via TCP/IP protocol. It can directly connect with a remote port by using a TCP/IP connection. Moreover, it uses a telnet session for making connections. Once the connection is established, it can send the command directly to the remote equipment. Although the system contains high-level features, it is too robust and reliable for any new users. It can use any kind of hardware and software, so you can say it is a more configurable system rather than others. There is no limitation for creating port; therefore users can create custom port according to their requirement.

Serial over Ethernet Connector functionality

Access serial port over Ethernet network

The software provides services that allow you to connect COM ports to the network. One can connect the countless serial port to your commuter. Port can be connected directly or you can use remote services. The software mainly is designed to generate virtual ports on your commuter. You can create a port anywhere in the world and by remote ports, you can invite any for accessing the information. The software does not allow to monitors the works, but also changes are possible. The remote work can be achieved by RS232 devices, which is connected to the local computer. By using this port, one can connect for remote work. The connection of software can connect remotely, which could be helpful for any organization.

Share serial device over Ethernet

The software has a COM port, which is helpful for remote connection. It is a simple and rapid solution that allows to access RS232/RS422/RS485 ports. ports can be connected via serial interface devices to the local network. The connection can create based on Ethernet LAN or Internet-based on the requirements. The user can send data to the channel and it is sent to the internet to control the software. This can be possible for Ethernet also, so users can use anything as per need. It works as a redirector that allows connecting ports to the local network with a wireless or wired connection.

Connect serial port with the remote host (Client)

By using this service users can remotely connect serial port. Initially, the connection is created with ports, which might be local or virtual, with devices. Generally, all the devices work as a remote server and they connect to the ports with the use of TCP/IP protocol. It is not compulsory that client connection need the SEC, which is used for remote connection. After creating a connection, the user needs to give information regarding the remote server's IP for security purposes. Sometimes, information on the port is also compulsory for authentication. After successful authentication, the user can communicate via Ethernet.

Share serial port for incoming connections (Server)

The transmission of data is quite easy with this software. We use the RAW protocol for your data transformation. By using protocol one can send data via a secure channel. In this service, we sent your data without any delay whenever we get the data. One thing very interesting about is that it can transfer your data without any particular protocol application layer.The server is responsible for your connection as well as transfer your data. It creates a connection with incoming client connections and then shares their ports to the Ethernet. It might be a chance that ports are local or virtual serial. The server can handle the connection of many clients at the same time. The user access and serially send data by using virtual or local ports. The connection between the server and remote ports is joined by an Ethernet cable, which connects automatically and sends data simultaneously. At a time countless clients can be joined and used the same kind of services without any delay. The user uses any kind of mentioned services with the use of the connection to a TCP/IP server.

Send and receive RAW data

The transmission of data is quite easy with this software. We use the RAW protocol for your data transformation. By using protocol one can send data via a secure channel. In this service, we sent your data without any delay whenever we get the data. One thing very interesting about is that it can transfer your data without any particular protocol application layer.

Works as Windows service

For the betterment of the user, we provide these services as a windows service. The software uses an easy system for making a connection that is why it connects automatically on the boot system. Before any kind of connection, user login is a must for security. One can maintain his LAN connection by using a remote service. Although we are using remote service, it is safe. One can change settings as well as configure them by using this service.

Smart data sending

User security is quite important for us; therefore we are using a service that can smartly transfer data. One can change the application settings and control the flow of data. The user can send data to the network connection. It stops the network packets in the special buffer zone. Generally, it takes a small amount of time for holding. Sometimes, it might be a chance that it holds data until it cannot get a specific size. There are many features available for your data transformation.